Readin by Docstream
Putting readers first since 2001

Who we are
We are Docstream, an established technology company specialized in document management and document publishing solutions. Based in Oslo, Norway, we have delivered innovative documentation and publishing solutions to our customers for more than 20 years.
What we do
We help companies boost the potential of their documentation. This is done by streamlining the publishing process and improving readability and accessibility – ultimately helping you to inform and engage your readers, no matter what device they may be using.
Our expertise in SharePoint, document management and documentation portals is crucial for delivering effective and forward-thinking solutions to our customers.
From services to product
For over 20 years we have helped 100s of companies with document management services. Our experience and competence are now "built" into the Saas product, Readin Knowledge base.
Talk to the people
If you have any questions about our company, Readin Knowledge base, would like a demo or to discuss your business case with us, please fill out the contact form or reach out to our CEO on LinkedIn. We’ll be in touch soon!

Ole Kristian Rønningen, CEO